Focused Discussion

Computers are controlled by humans. At least, this is the more common view in modern society. But can it be said that the opposite may be true as well? Humans are controlled by computers. To some degree, this seems to be the case as society advances into a technologically dependent future.

In the movie The Matrix, this obviously is the case. Humans become the power supply to a would controlled quite literally by technology with a mind of its own. However, computers are also slowing taking over the lives of people today. Telephone operators were replaced by computers. Many factory workers were replaced with automated machines. Hospital equipment is often monitored, or even run by computers, reducing the need of nurses. Typing pools were replaced by word processors. Many professions rely on computers to keep track of records, to send memos, and for many other forms of management and communicational purposes. Computers run our lives as much as we run them.

There are many possible consequences to this, although most likely not to the same extreme the movie went. In the case of the job pool typists, factory workers, and other professionals, they usually lost their jobs. Other problems can be quite more serious. Computers are imperfect machines, which is inherent with their complexity. Due to this fact, errors have the potential to occur. Corporation data might become lost in a power surge. These bugs might cause a factory machine to swing too far, injuring a person. Hospital equipment might fail, causing someone to lose their life. The list is endless.

Humans run computers, yet computers also run humans. As technology progresses, so does the dependence on it. Total dependence on technology leads to many problems, most of which can be avoided with human interaction. A balanced must be reached, or the future will lead to chaos.

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By Karen Stevens